NAOHSM’s 54th Annual Convention & Trade Show

Feature Story

A chance to get on with business while honoring some hard work and dedication

Mike Finney presenting Bob Plante the Hugh McKee Award.

This year marked another successful Annual Convention and Trade Show for the National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers, held May 20-24, 2007, at the Hershey Lodge & Convention Center, Hershey, Pa. Attendance topped 5,059, which was up six percent from the 2006 show.

A theme is tied around each annual event, and in 2007 this year was no exception with the theme being, ‘Legends ‘ Recognizing all of the Past and Current Chapter Officers.” The theme was the focal point of a welcoming reception held Monday night, May 21 that was broadly considered to be a success. Many vendors supported this event with food stations and Wilo USA LLC (Melrose Park, Ill.) sponsored a cocktail party. The chapter officers are the leadership backbone of the organization, but they seldom receive the recognition that they deserve. This was their chance to shine. All officers received a NAOHSM portfolio and a chance at various door prizes ‘ the grand prize being two-nights at the 55th Annual Convention. The winner of one being Skip Lincoln, Mid Atlantic Chapter.

Dorsey Finn presenting industry
stalwart and FON columnist
John Griffin the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Later in the evening, comedian Earl David Reed entertained the group. Reed has performed at over 100 comedy clubs and colleges and is a favorite in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Along with his 10 years of morning broadcasting experience and numerous television appearances, his improvisational style has become a favorite of radio and stage audiences all around.

The NAOHSM 55th Annual Convention & Trade Show is scheduled for Hartford, May 18-22, 2008.

The convention featured a wealth of educational opportunities for those looking to enhance their certifications or learn about the latest industry trends. Monday began with classes geared towards management and owners. Professional consultant and HVAC instructor Jim Peters taught a one-day class on financial management. Attendees also had the option to attend three additional classes on Monday.

NAOHSM Director Judy Garber thanking all of the chapters that undertook an Oil Heat Cares project during 2006-2007

A session on GPS was facilitated by Salisbury, Md.-based Navtrak, Inc., a leader in providing GPS tracking systems and fleet management solutions for businesses with mobile workforces. Financing to Sell in an Energy Efficient World was provided by Peter Krajsa, president of AFC First Financial Corporation, Allentown, Pa., a second-generation private financial institution founded in 1947. A session on taking control of your cash flow by streamlining the payment process was provided by Tracy Richmond, executive vice president and partner of Beverly, Mass.-based COCARD, which specializes in helping companies automate the payment process.

Tuesday and Wednesday morning attendees had an opportunity to attend a variety of educational classes that were packed to capacity in many cases. There were technical classes, AC classes, customer service classes and a class just for students and their instructors. Most of the classes earned valuable NORA CEUs for attendees.

NAOHSM’s 2007 Industry Award Winners
A variety of awards were presented at the convention. These were:
Associate of the Year ‘ Mark Collins, Burnham
Manufacturer of the Year ‘ Buderus
Service Manager of the Year ‘ Ralph Adams, Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Instructor of the Year ‘ Nick Domiano, North Montco Career 
Vocational School, Landsdale, Pa.
Hugh McKee ‘ Bob Plante, Rhode Island Chapter
Special Recognition Award ‘ John Griffin, Nassau-Suffolk Chapter

Oil Heat Cares and scholarships
The convention saw plenty of fund raising for the Oil Heat Cares initiative. It was announced that the OHC Committee opted to copy the Time Magazine Man of the Year Award for the Traveling Cup and that there was more than one ‘man of the year” ‘ each of the chapters that did an Oil Heat Cares Project in 2006 ‘ early 2007 will receive a place on the cup and a chance to hold the cup throughout the year. It will give each chapter a chance to shine and share the spirit of OHC. Last year’s winner, the Garden State Chapter returned the cup filled with money. Paul Cuprewich, president of the chapter, turned over $1,000 as their gift to OHC. In a first for OHC, Crossroads Human Services, Victoria, BC, was the first recipient of an Oil Heat Cares Project in Canada. As time moves forward, you’ll be hearing more from Canada and Oil Heat Cares.

By raising $75,000 for Oil Heat Cares with the 2007 running of ‘Care to Ride” the industry ensured a warm winter for many in need.
Photo courtesy Michael SanGiovanni, Oilheating Journal.
In addition, $75,000 was raised in the Second Annual Care to Ride Event, held on Monday, May 21, topping last year’s total of $50,000. This year’s overall and bicycle division winner was Roger Marran, Energy Kinetics ($2,800). The top walker was Oil Hear Cares own Judy Garber ($2,100) and the top position in the motorcycle division belonged to the duo of Kevin Bowman and Tom Laverty $1,000. The top team was the Long Island Rough Riders ($2,400).

Three of NAOHSM’s eight 2007 Scholarship Winners accepted the association’s invitation to be our guest at our Awards Banquet. They included Frank Muller who is attending New England Institute of Technology, and Matthew Robinson and Clayton Bretz both attending Pennsylvania College of Technology, Williamsport, Pa.

A special thanks to the show volunteers and sponsors from Judy Garber, NAOHSM’s executive director
John Wilcox and his wife Pat are beautiful people that give so much. When the song ‘Sweet Home Alabama” was played by the band on Wednesday night, Pat actually got up and danced ‘ she and John are back home in their sweet home in Alabama. A special thanks to Jay Moser and his company, Harris Fuel, for supporting him because we couldn’t do it without his efforts ‘ we missed his wife Dot this year to an emergency at home. Thanks also to Ed Rupertus and his wife, Linda, who helps in registration. Thank you to our other members ‘ Dorsey Finn, Golf Chairman; Ralph Adams, Matt Spink, Alan Mercurio, Rich Baran and Mike Santoro ‘ and the many guys that fall under their leadership of education.

There are too many of you to personally thank but ‘ to ALL of our sponsors that helped make a convention and trade show a success – thank you. NAOHSM appreciates all that you do to support our efforts.

Trade Show
The trade show featured 180 exhibitors that showcased a variety of products. Some of the offerings are listed below.

Carrier Performance 80 Series
The Performance

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