US Energy Group, Special Applied Intelligence and Sprint collaborate to make buildings more energy efficient

US Energy Group and Special Applied Intelligence have announced an agreement to deliver wireless 4G service to buildings with US Energy Group’s Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS). Last fall US Energy began a five-building trial of Special AI’s service, running on the Sprint 4G network. US Energy now relies on for connectivity to over 120 critical locations in New York City with more being installed daily.

According to the U.S. Green Buildings Council, residential and commercial buildings account for 39 percent of carbon emissions, with the Department of Energy citing commercial buildings as responsible for 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The USE Controller BEMS reduces fuel use by 15-35%, with payback in less than two years. In this recent five-building trial, fuel use decreased by 22%. Similar results have been demonstrated across numerous portfolios. Additionally, tenants said they were much more comfortable with the building temperature and no longer had to open windows to vent excess heat. is a turn-key Internet access solution, designed specifically for use in building applications such as US Energy’s USE Controller BEMS. Other common uses of include building security systems, video surveillance, key-fob entrances, and virtual doorman systems. Unlike traditional ISPs, Special AI can install at new sites and get them on line in just a couple of days.

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