N.H. Bill Would Make Failure to Deliver Heating Fuel Violation of Consumer Protection Act

Alert from Oil Heat Council of New Hampshire’s Robert J. Scully

Senate Bill 100 (SB100) is proposed legislation introduced by Senator Dan Feltes. If SB100 were to pass it would make the failure to deliver heating fuel in the winter, after the customer pays an arrearage or enters into a reasonable repayment plan, a violation of the consumer protection act. I have attached SB100 for your review. Kim Wieland of Dead River Company and Joe Trefethen of Palmer Gas met with me and Senator Feltes back in January to share our concerns with his legislation. Joe Rose was also in attendance from PGANE.

I have also discussed SB100 with Pat Murphy of the welfare administrators of NH. The short version is propane is the major culprit as compared to heating oil as only the owner of the propane company that owns the tank can fill it. There are multiple problems with SB100 for our industry. This is where you come in. SB100 has not been scheduled for a hearing at this time.

It is important that you contact these five Senators and explain to them why SB100 does not work for your company. It is time that the committee members hear from you. We will expand the contact list to the full Senate after the hearing.

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