After 43 years dedicated exclusively to the petroleum industry, Paul Dodge, owner of FUEL TREATMENT SPECIALISTS, LLC (FTSLLC) has sold the assets of his company effective March 15, 2010, to TOTAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC (TES) based in Portsmouth, NH.  Having an extensive background in petroleum, Mr. Dodge has just completed his 10th year with FTSLLC.  Prior to FTSLLC, he worked 10 years for Standard Oil of California; 20 years for Amerada Hess Corporation, as well as Octel Starreon.  He developed his knowledge of ‘fuel treatment with additives” from Octel Starreon n/k/a INNOSPEC FUEL SPECIALTIES.


            TOTAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC is a supplier of petroleum products and fuel additives in the Northeast and brings an experienced sales force with dynamic and aggressive growth innitiatives.  Mr. Dodge stated that the transition of his loyal customer base to Total Energy will be very compatible with the TES strategies to be a long term valuable supplier of fuel additives in the marketplace.


            Mr. Dodge will be staying on as a consultant with TES to ensure an orderly transition and wants to take this opportunity to ‘THANK” all of his former fuel and additive customers for making his retirement possible!

            The contact person at Total Energy Solutions is Frank Sesito.  He can be reached at: 1-877-436-9812  Ext. 206.



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