PMAA Joins Coalition to Fight Proposed AFUE Standards for Residential Boilers
PMAA is participating in a newly formed coalition to oppose a U.S. Department of Energy proposed efficiency standard for boilers.
The proposed rule would amend existing annual fuel rating efficiency (AFUE) standards for residential boilers using natural gas, propane and heating oil. AFUE is the ratio of annual heat output of the furnace or boiler compared to the total annual fossil fuel energy consumed by a furnace or boiler.
The DOE’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposes new minimum AFUE levels of 85 for gas and 86 for oil fired hot water boilers. Currently the AFUE standard for gas and oil fired hot water boilers are 82 and 84, respectively.
PMAA is concerned that the proposed standards are not technically feasible for natural draft systems and imposes an unjustified economic burden on both manufacturers and consumers.
The NEFI lead coalition is partnering with NORA and other interested parties in a new laboratory and field study on oil heating appliance venting and how these issues may affect AFUE efficiency standards. The coalition will seek to delay any change in AFUE standards until results from the study are completed.
The coalition will also testify at a DOE public meeting on the subject later this month.
That is redilous try teling a 90 yr. Old customer it will cost her an extra 3000 dollar on top of her bill for a new boiler to replace her chimney cuz of condensation problems the goverment cant leave things alone .the old way works fine leave it alone always trying to inprove but always has more problems than good somone needs more money in there pocket