NBB: Biodiesel Study Highlights Fuel’s Ability to Make Health Impacts
The National Biodiesel Board, in partnership with Trinity Consultants, recently launched a new, landmark study sharing the mounting evidence that shows how biodiesel can move the needle on an issue important to all Americans – their health. This research shows that using B100 — or pure biodiesel — can have positive impacts on both the environment and our health. These health benefits from the switch to better, cleaner biodiesel include decreased cancer risk, fewer premature deaths and reduced asthma attacks. Saving lives by reducing the health impacts of transportation and home heating fuels is a priority, and biodiesel is widely available today to achieve that goal. “We have always known that biodiesel offers a better and cleaner alternative to petroleum diesel,” National Biodiesel Board CEO Donnell Rehagen said. “This study quantifies the health benefits and shows that by using renewable fuels like biodiesel and renewable diesel, we are bringing positive change to people’s lives, the nation’s health and the economy.” The study was conducted in 13 sites and communities in the U.S. that are regularly exposed to high rates of petroleum diesel pollution. Key findings include: Switching to 100% biodiesel in the home heating oil and transportation sectors would: Prevent 340 premature deaths annually. Result in 46,000 fewer sick days. In the transportation sector, benefits included a potential 45% reduction in cancer risk when heavy-duty trucks such as semis use B100 and 203,000 fewer or lessened asthma attacks. When Bioheat fuel made from 100% biodiesel is used in place of petroleum heating oil, the study found an 86% reduced cancer risk and 17,000 fewer lung problems. |