Reduce Operational Costs with HVAC Energy Retrofit Programs
DALLAS, TX ‘ May 12, 2009 ‘ Retailers, restaurants and office building owners can expect an immediate reduction in HVAC-related energy costs ‘ up to 40 percent ‘ by implementing an HVAC Energy Retrofit Program that includes installing high-efficiency equipment in existing buildings.
With the beginning of the summer cooling season, Lennox Industries presents a guide to HVAC Energy Retrofit Programs that will help businesses determine if they can reduce their operational expenses, including energy needs and repair costs associated with aging equipment. Answering ‘yes” to these questions indicates that savings can result from an HVAC Energy Retrofit:
1. Is the building’s HVAC equipment 12 to 15 years old? As an HVAC system nears the end of its lifecycle ‘ about 15 years ‘ its reliability diminishes. Major components such as a compressor or condenser coil may need to be replaced.
If the equipment fails in the middle of summer, emergency replacement will be necessary, which can disrupt business, lead to lost sales and require a premium to repair or replace the unit. Additionally, emergency replacement may mean compromises if units with the right features are not immediately available
2. Are energy costs high? New, high-efficiency HVAC equipment <> offers immediate energy savings. Installing a high-efficiency rooftop unit with an 11.3 EER to replace a typical 7.5-ton rooftop unit from the early 1990s (with an 8.5 EER) can increase efficiency up to 33 percent. The higher efficiency would reduce the unit’s electric costs by $1,200 ‘ more than $18,000 over the projected 15-year life of the system.*
Choosing equipment with options such as economizers, available on premium Lennox rooftop units <> , allows businesses to take advantage of free cooling to reduce energy expenses even further. High-efficiency equipment is often eligible for rebates from utility companies and government agencies, as well as financial assistance on installation. The savings can add up to thousands of dollars per unit.
3. Does the equipment need repairs? Older units are more likely to require expensive repairs as they age. Today’s units may not only be more durable, but offer service-friendly features designed to reduce maintenance hours. Look for slide-out blower decks such as those on the S-Class