Record-Breaking Attendance And Recovering Economy At AHR Expo Fuels Excitement And Is The Talk Of The Show
Signs of a recovering economy was a key view from many interviewed as to main reason for the record breaking number of attendees at the 2010 AHR Expo. Nearly 45,000 attendees and exhibitors filled the aisles during the three-day AHR Expo. The record-breaking attendance figures brought a tremendous crowd of contractors, engineers and other industry professionals to the Show to see the newest and most innovative HVAC/R products. What were some of the exhibitors saying?
‘We are very happy with the traffic. It was more than we expected given the current economy. There has been a lot of interest in our new high-efficiency commercial product.”
April Johnson
Marketing Director
Weil McClain (Booth #3310)
‘We got tons of good leads and the traffic was great. This show has the best ROI of any show we do in this industry.”
Martin Dingman
Product Manager
Siemens (Booth #4978)
‘Traffic was heavy from the very beginning. The quality was great. We saw a lot of engineers.”
Mark Adams
Channel Development Manager for Florida
Schneider Electric (Booth 4938)
‘ Really good. A lot of interest in new products and we saw a lot of manufacturer reps.”
Tom Petersen
VP Sales & Marketing
Mars Air Systems (Booth #3625)
‘It was absolutely fantastic! We couldn’t have been happier. There was a tons of interest in our new software.”
Jackie Catalano
Marketing Communications Mgr.
Emerson (Booth #2310, 2512)
‘It started off with a bang and stayed steady all show long. We’re as happy as can be with the traffic we saw. We introduced a new product and received more leads than we did all of last year ‘ and last year was a good show.”
Lou Laroche
National Sales Manger
Airtec (Booth # 4779)
‘The aisles were flooded. There was a steady flow of people and we got quality leads.”
Gene Ziegler
Regional Manager
Daikin AC, Inc. (Booth #5123)
‘We were impressed! We were a bit pessimistic but first day traffic was steady and there seems to have been a lot of international visitors.”
Steven Junge
Lattner Boiler Mfg, Co (Booth #4910)
‘It was a good first day. We saw a good mixture of engineers and contractors. There is a lot of interest in our new energy efficient products.”
Mark Handzel
National Sales
ITT R&CW (Booth #3926)
‘We were seeing people from a variety of places and diverse industry sectors. People visiting our booth really liked all our options. They saw what we had and got excited about how to use it in their own business. It’s obvious attendance was much higher at this year’s Expo. We’re busy nonstop, which is just the way we like it!”
Todd Strem
Sales & Marketing Manager
WoodMaster (Booth #5069)
‘The diversity in attendance at the Show was exceptional, especially the number of international visitors. We saw the buying behavior improve from a lot of kicking the tires last year to a much more significant resource commitment here in Orlando, which was critical to the success with the introduction of our new RIGIDconnectTM online business tool. We were extremely pleased!”
Steve Dyer
Director of Marketing
RIDGID (Booth # 2517)
‘The Show was great. We saw a lot more foot traffic in our booth especially local contractors and applied distributors. Our broad product displays and mini-vignettes really helped us tell the complete story of LG’s offerings, for which we find AHR Expo to be the perfect venue.”
Kelly Cutchins
VP Commercial Air Conditioning
LG Electronics, Inc. USA (Booth #4310)
‘We heard from many attendees in our booth that our variable speed compressors are the ‘wave of the future”, and that to see the wave of the future you need to attend the AHR Expo. It’s the Show you want to have your products at if you want to be positioned for meeting the needs of the industry, now and going forward.”
Steve Hamlin
Sales Group Manager
Panasonic (Booth #4370)
‘As a first-time exhibitor this was incredible for us. As a new company looking to meet customers, AHR Expo brings the largest and most knowledgeable crowds. This was a perfect fit.”
Ben Pierce
Customer Service Manager
Clean Alert (Booth #1373)
“We saw a lot of interest in renewable and comfort systems from all areas, and good engineering contacts who have an appreciation for quality, and proven, truly sustainable systems. People who came to the booth understand the importance of the ‘whole systems’ approach to sustainable building, and are eager to work with us on making it happen. A very steady flow, and good volume especially for the late afternoon.”
Bill Johansen
Business Unit Manager, Building Technology
REHAU (Booth #2359)
‘We were very pleased with the show this year. Visitors to our booth were very interested in retrofitting old buildings to enable energy savings. The consumer is searching for low cost and minimal disruption solutions and we heard that over and over. It’s these timely topics and offerings that attendees hear about and see at the AHR Expo.”
Harry Sim
Cypress Envirosystems (Booth #1234)