Taco’s Facebook Builds a Worldwide Community a’Twitter with News




Taco HVAC’s Facebook community has grown enormously since its launch in April.  Participants have joined the throng from 22 countries, including Canada, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Mexico, Bulgaria, Singapore, and even from the top of Mountain Washington where Taco fan and FloPro Neighbor Steven Gronski hiked, Taco pump in hand, to go where no pump has gone before.    


Taco’s Facebook and Twitter activity has quickly became a dynamic means of two-way communications with key audiences.  Both offer an informal setting where people learn more about Taco and where Taco can learn more about them.


Taco has thrown the doors open to a broad spectrum of people, from residential HVAC, plumbing and heating contractors, to commercial system designers and engineers, home and business owners and students.  Content and information exchange is largely set by those in the community and what interests them. Taco hopes to stimulate discussion on a broad range of topics having to do with HVAC systems, residential heating and cooling, green building, sustainability green living and energy efficiency.


‘We want to build our position as a technology leader in the HVAC industry,” said Taco president John White Jr.  ‘Our Facebook and Twitter presence add to the array of Internet-based tools we use to communicate. Through the Taco Web Site at Taco-hvac.com, all product, system and application information can be accessed along with a separate area for the FloPro Team (our contractor development program) which includes our FloPro Neighborhood, the social networking site for members of the FloPro Team, and John Barba’s blog.”


To generate interest and visitor traffic to its Facebook page, Taco has been giving iPod Touches to selected visitors who join the Taco HVAC Facebook community. So far, five have been awarded and several more will be given out.  In the near future a drawing among all those in the community will determine the winner of an iPad.


All a’Twitter?  Taco is, too.  Isn’t it time you joined the conversation?

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