PGANE Hires Leslie Anderson to Succeed Joe Rose
Leslie Anderson is the new president and CEO of the Propane Gas Association of New England.
The hiring concluded a yearlong process that began with the revision of the PGANE strategic plan by the association’s membership, and a search for a new president/CEO conducted by a seven-member search committee appointed by the board of directors. The PGANE board voted unanimously on Dec. 1 to authorize PGANE Chairman Paul Daniels to hire Anderson.
“Leslie has a distinguished career in the propane industry at Dead River Company, serving as director of risk and corporate counsel for fourteen years and most recently in Maine state government where she led the Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management for the Maine Department of Environmental Protection,” Joe Rose said in a statement. Anderson is succeeding Rose. “I have known Leslie for ten years and found her to be an energetic, engaging fighter for our industry,” Rose added. “Please join me in welcoming Leslie Anderson as the new President / CEO of PGANE.”
Anderson will start her new job on Jan. 3, Rose said. “We plan to work together for the first six months of 2017 to ensure a smooth transition for the PGANE membership and staff.” Rose said he was confident that association members will offer Anderson “the same enthusiastic support that I have enjoyed these last nine years.”