Up and Running: Propane Rail Terminal in Montgomery, N.Y.
On Sept. 6 a grand opening commemorated completion of Crestwood Services’ propane rail terminal in Montgomery, N.Y. Propane tank trailers filed in, filled up and departed in a continuous stream throughout the day as Crestwood executives, Montgomery town officials, and fuel marketers participated in the grand opening. The terminal was completed in July and has been operating since then.
The terminal includes a 16-spot rail rack. A four-spot truck rack with can pumps is designed to load four trucks in 17 minutes, and is expected to eliminate long wait times during peak winter months.
Shane Sweet, executive director and technical director of the New York Propane Gas Association, attended the opening. His report on the terminal and the impact that it is expected to have on regional propane marketers’ operations will be published in the October issue of Fuel Oil News.
Crestwood Services, Kansas City, Mo., is the supply and logistics unit of Crestwood Equity Partners.
Photo by Stephen Bennett