As of Monday, June 1, the headquarters of the New York State Energy Coalition will be located in the former offices of the Oil Heat Institute of Long Island, Rocco J. Lacertosa, CEO of the Coalition announced. “We will continue to practice ‘social distancing,’” Lacertosa, said, adding that he and Coalition staffer Vicki Denicker will alternate days in the office “until it is safe for us to fully reopen.”

NYSEC grew out of a merger of the Oil Heat Institute of Long Island and the New York Oil Heating Association. The merger was approved last year by the boards of the respective groups, and was finalized this year.
The Coalition’s new mailing address is:
New York State Energy Coalition
200 Parkway Drive South, Suite 202
Hauppauge, NY 11788
The office phone number is 631-360-0200; Lacertosa can be reached at: 212-695-1380 ext. 201. (Lacertosa also said New York City members can still reach the Coalition on the old NYHOA number: 212-695-1380.)
Email addresses are:
Rocco J. Lacertosa: rlacertosa@nysecnow.org
Vicki Denicker: vdenicker@nysecnow.org
Rita Pabon (bookkeeper): rpabon@nysecnow.org
“We do not know how much longer this current crisis is going to last,” Lacertosa said, referring to the coronavirus pandemic. “But we do know that the way we do business will be forever changed. Working remotely has made processing and depositing paper checks difficult and time consuming. So, in the interest of efficiency we are asking that you help us out by making all future payments through our website.”
The Coalition is able to accept payments by all major credit cards, check, EFT or ACH at www.nysecnow.org/member-resources/pay-online.