Put Green in your Hydronic System with Caleffi’s Energy-Saving DISCAL Air Separators

Automatically removing corrosive air and gases from the hydronic circuits of heating and cooling systems is energy wise and thermally efficient. The circulation of fully separated fluid allows a system to function optimally ‘ without noise, corrosion, local overheating or mechanical damage. Caleffi DISCAL air separators, designed to work at temperatures to 250°F and pressures to 150 psi, lower energy use and expense by eliminating the insulating affect of entrained air and significantly improving heat transfer. Available in brass, ¾” to 2″ sizes, DISCAL air separators continuously and automatically eliminate air, even micro-bubbles, from primary circuits. DISCAL uses an inert, glass-reinforced, nylon fiber mesh (not copper) coalescing material. Resistant to oxygen and acidic boiler water, the material prevents corrosion in the coalescing chamber, and its angular diamond shapes create superior coalescing conditions. The large-diameter bowl creates the whirling movement required to release the micro-bubbles, forcing them to adhere to the concentric mesh. The micro-bubbles then fuse and increase in volume until they are large enough to rise to the top where they are automatically vented.


CALEFFI ‘ Creating innovative, superior performance products that help customers live comfortably and economically, while softening their impact on the environment.


For more information, visit Caleffi’s Web site at www.caleffi.us, e-mail at sales@caleffi.com, or call (414) 238-2360.


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