MPSI Releases Fuels Pricing Mobile Phone Application
TULSA, Okla. ‘ November 5, 2009 ‘ MPSI, a leading provider of fuels pricing and site evaluation solutions, today announced that its online PriceIt! Pro® fuels pricing system can now be accessed from a mobile phone. Because it is not always practical to get an Internet connection for a PC when away from the office, MPSI has released a mobile phone version of its PriceIt! Pro fuels pricing software. The mobile phone version allows users the same important functionality needed to perform daily pricing activities that are currently available when running the PriceIt! Pro system on a desktop or laptop PC.
The mobile phone application allows users to select a group of outlets and then drill down to details about individual outlets. Each outlet has a unique identifying name the user has assigned, making it easy to find specific outlets. Important data for each outlet is readily available including volume goal, price versus competitor price and weighted average margin.
The Data Entry screen allows users to enter competitor price surveys while onsite. Previously, most users had to wait until they got back to their office to enter price survey data. Now, they can key data in as it is collected, saving time and reducing potential errors. Users are also allowed to override existing data or enter new data about their own outlets, such as price, volume and cost. A quality control selection allows users to perform checks for missing and illogical data along with the capability to make corrections.
The mobile phone application allows users to run the price optimization model in batch mode for a group of outlets they select, or for individual outlets. The Batch Quality Control Check screen lets users identify missing, illogical and incomplete data before running the model. Users can select the incorrect outlet and be navigated directly to the Data Entry Screen where they can fix the error. The Batch Price Implementation screen contains what users need to make daily pricing decisions, including recommended price, price change vs. current price, price change vs. key competitor’s price, weighted average margin in cents per gallon and percent of volume goal. Armed with this information, users can then approve the recommended price or override it to a specific value or incremental value. Once approved, users can send the prices out directly from their mobile phone.
‘Being a seasoned traveler, I understand very well the challenges encountered with getting a laptop connected to the Internet,” said Don Spears, Managing Director of Global Pricing at MPSI. ‘Most pricing managers today carry a Blackberry or other mobile phone device that connects to the Internet, so this mobile phone application makes a lot of sense. Now our users can easily access the PriceIt! Pro system while traveling.”
The online PriceIt! Pro system is one of the unique pricing optimization solutions offered by MPSI. It is designed to help users set the best motor fuel prices for each outlet in their network. It combines daily fuel volumes, users’ costs and prices, key competitor prices, consumer price sensitivities and an optimization routine to establish a price position that achieves optimum profit and volume.
Pricing and Availability
The MPSI online PriceIt! Pro system is currently available globally. For pricing or other information, please contact an MPSI representative, or send an email to
About MPSI
MPSI is a leading provider of fuels pricing and site evaluation solutions. Since 1970, its products and services have helped customers with fuels price management, price optimization, volume projections, retail asset management and retail outlet data. MPSI is also a principal provider of traffic data, demographics and online mapping. The company has support offices around the world and serves over 400 customers in 80 countries.