

Fresh Meadows, NY ‘ U.S. Energy Group has completed USE-Analysis Case Study #241, which represented an analysis of a 39-building portfolio.  During 2006-2007, the buildings used 275.55 gallons of fuel per degree day; averaging 7.06 gallons per degree day for each building. Then, U.S. Energy Group installed a USE Controller EMS (Energy Management System) into each building, and the total amount of fuel was reduced by over 16%. In 2008-2009, the buildings used only 231.41 gallons of fuel per degree day; averaging 5.93 gallons per degree day for each building. In total, the buildings saved 201,017.43 gallons of fuel. Figuring an average price of $2 a gallon, the portfolio saved $402,034.86, with payback in less than two years — and the savings continue going forward.



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