Anthony Aversano Joins Almac Tank International
Anthony Aversano Almac Tank International has announced that Anthony Aversano, after a long history with Allied Tank, has agreed to join the Almac team to continue and develop our presence in the North East Marketplace and beyond. Aversano joins Almac after a long and successful career as a partner with Don Shaw piloting Allied Tank.
During the last 22 years Allied Tank has succeeded in selling over 1,000 Almac tanks into numerous U.S. regions and most importantly within their local regional customers in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.
Aversano brings to his customers a wealth of practical knowledge of the truck tank industry combined with his history of customer dedication. Both of these attributes will continue to be applied intelligently as he embarks on his new responsibilities towards his loyal customers and Almac Tanks.
As Aversano transitions into his new position, Almac will be losing a valued business partner as Allied Tank will cease their business in the coming months. Aversano and Almac will continue to honor all business relationships of past units, present equipment deliveries, outstanding orders and all future relationships with regards to Almac Tanks.
Together we will continue to be a loyal quality supplier to past and future Allied customers. We are excited at the development of this new relationship and look forward to assuring the quality of your past relationships with Almac Tank well into the future. Any and All questions you may have should be directed to Aversano at his new Almac Tank International email address: He can be reached on his cell at 610-733