2009 Sourcebook’s Trade Associations
American Petroleum Institute
1220 L. St., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4070
(202) 682-8000
Fax (202) 682-8232
Web site: www.api.org
American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration & A/C Engineers Inc.
1791 Tullie Circle, NE
Atlanta, GA 30329-2305
(404) 636-8400
Fax (404) 321-5478
Web site: www.ashrae.org
American Trucking Assn.
950 North Glebe Road, Suite 210
Arlington, VA 22203-4181
(703) 838-1700
Fax (703) 684-5751
Web site: www.truckline.com
Canadian Oil Heat Assn.
115 Apple Creek Blvd. #202
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 6C9
(905) 946-0264
Fax (905) 946-0316
Web site: www.coha.ca
Canadian Trucking Alliance
324 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9
(613) 236-9426
Fax (613) 563-2701
Web site: www.cantruck.com
Carbon Monoxide Safety Association
P.O. Box 669
Eastlake, CO 80614-0669
(800) 394-5253
Web site: www.cosafety.org
Fiberglass Tank & Pipe Institute
11150 S. Wilcrest, Ste. 101
Houston, TX 77099-4343
(281) 568-4100
Fax (281) 568-4500
Web site: www.fiberglasstankandpipe.com
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Assn.
1901 North Moore Street, Suite 600
Arlington, Va. 22209
(703) 522-0086
Fax (703) 522-0548
Web site: www.hpba.org
Home Ventilating Institute
1000 N. Rand Rd., Ste. 214
Wauconda, IL 60084
(847) 526-2010
Fax (847) 526-3993
Web site: www.hvi.org
Hydronics Institute, Div. of G.A.M.A.
35 Russo Place
Berkley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-8200
Fax (908) 464-8200
Web site: www.gamanet.org
Independent Liquid Terminals Assn.
1444 I St., NW, Ste. 400
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 842-9200
Fax (202) 326-8660
Web site: www.ilta.org
Independent Petroleum Assn. of America
1201 15th St. NW, Ste. 300
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 857-4722
Fax (202) 857-4799
Web site: www.ipaa.org
International Car Wash Assn.
401 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 321-5199
Fax (312) 321-6869
Web site: www.carcarecentral.com
National Assn. of Convenience Stores
1600 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314-3436
(703) 684-3600
Fax (703) 836-4564
Web site: www.nacsonline.com
National Assn. of Home Builders
1201 15th St., NW
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 266-8200
Web site: www.nahb.org
National Assn. of Oil Heating Service Managers
P.O. Box 67
East Petersburg, PA 17520-0067
(888) 552-0900
Fax (717) 625-3077
Web site: www.naohsm.org
National Assn. Truck Stop Operators
1737 King Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 549-2100
Fax (703) 684-4525
Web site: www.natso.com
National Fire Protection Assn.
1 Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02169-7471
(617) 770-3000
Fax (617) 770-0700
Web site: www.nfpa.org
National Oilheat Research Alliance
600 Cameron Street Suite 206
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 340-1660
Fax: (703) 340-1642
Web site: www.nora-oilheat.org
National Old Timer’s Association of the Energy Industry
P.O. Box 144
Woodstown, N.J. 08098
Web site: www.notaei.org
National Propane Gas Assn.
1150 17th St. NW, Ste. 310
Washington, DC 20036-4623
(202) 466-7200
Fax (202) 466-7205
Web site: www.npga.org
National Tank Truck Carriers
950 North Glebe Road, Suite 520
Arlington, VA 22203-4183
(703) 838-1960
Fax (703) 684-5753
Web site: www.tanktruck.org
National Trailer Dealers Association
37400 Hills Tech Dr.
Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3414
(800) 800-4552
Fax: (248) 489-8590
Web site: www.ntda.org
National Truck Equipment Association
37400 Hills Tech Dr.
Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3414
(800) 441-NTEA
Fax: (248) 489-8590
Web site: www.ntea.com
North American Heating &
Air Conditioning Wholesalers Assn.
1389 Dublin Rd.
Columbus, OH 43216
(614) 488-1835
Fax (614) 488-0482
Oilheat Manufacturers Assn.
3125 Lilly Hill Rd.
Pawlet, VT 05761-0267
(802) 325-3509
Fax (802) 325-3437
Web site: www.oma-oilheat.org
Petroleum Equipment Institute
P.O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380
(918) 494-9696
Fax (918) 491-9895
Web site: www.pei.org
Petroleum Marketers Assn. of America
1901 N. Ft. Meyer Dr., Ste. 500
Arlington, VA 22209-1604
(703) 351-8000
Fax (703) 351-9160
Web site: www.pmaa.org
Radiant Panel Assn.
1399 S. Garfield Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537
(970) 613-0100
Fax (970) 613-0098
Web site: www.radiantpanelassociation.org
Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America
3930 Pender Drive, Suite 340
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 709-7000
Fax (703) 709-7007
Web site: www.sigma.org
Steel Tank Institute
944 Donata Ct.
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
(847) 438-8265
Fax (847) 438-8766
Web site: www.steeltank.com
Used Oil Management Assn.
135 Tower Rd.
Ottsville, PA 18942
(610) 847-8331
Fax (610) 847-8627
Web site: www.uoma.com
Petroleum & Convenience Marketers of Alabama
P.O. Box 231659
Montgomery, AL 36104
(334) 272-3800
Fax (334) 272-1659
Web site: www.aoa-aacs.org
Arizona Petroleum Marketers Assn.
P.O. Box 93426
Phoenix, AZ 85070
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