Attorney General Drops Heating Oil from CF-111 Revision Fuel Assistance Lowers Mandated Discount


The Vermont Duel Dealers’ Association has been busy. On Aug. 4, more than 30 fuel dealers met at the Vermont Fuel Education Center in Montpelier with Assistant Attorneys General Elliot Burg, Wendy Morgan and Sandi Everitt. Ten days earlier the Attorney General’s office proposed a revision to CF-111, the section of Vermont’s consumer fraud statute that deals with the sale of propane. The attorney general proposed extending the law to cover the sale of heating oil and kerosene. After listening to the concerns of heating oil and kerosene dealers for more than four hours, the AAG decided to drop any reference to oil heat and kerosene. The CF-111 will be revised, however, it will deal solely with propane issues. VFDA agreed to form a working group of propane dealers to provide input during the revision process. If you are interested in participating, please contact VFDA.

Discount Amount Dropped

After much discussion, the Vermont Fuel Assistance office has agreed to lower the mandated discount. Three weeks ago, fuel dealers in Vermont received a letter from the Fuel Assistance office requiring them to provide a 15-cent per gallon discount to all fuel assistance recipients or face decertification. VFDA sent a letter to Governor Douglas and communicated directly with administration officials about the discount. After listening to the concerns of dealers who provide heating fuel, the discount amount was reduced. The new discount amount is 5 cents or the current cash discount, whichever is greater. For information, about the new certification agreement contact VFDA.

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