Myrggo & Rockmills Boiler Sales & Service
We have received the National Sales and Service agreement for the Myrggo and Rockmills Scotch Marine Fire Tube Boilers. All boilers can be supplied as high efficiency Three or Four-pass boilers and are available from 10 ‘ 1,500 HP, as low pressure (0 ‘ 15 PSIG steam or 0 ‘ 160 PSIG hot water), as well as, High-pressure steam from 15 ‘ 300 PSIG. Any boiler can be operated with Gas or Oil operating burner and at Low-Nox levels for reduced particle exhaust to meet any environmental requirement. For increased boiler efficiency all boilers can be installed with an economizer using the high temperature flue gas exhaust to increase the returning water to the boiler, therefore increase the overall boiler efficiency by as much as 4% to a level as high as 90%. The Flue-gas exiting the economizer will be at a much lower temperature, therefore reducing the amount of high temperature air added to the environment that could add to the global warming. All our boilers meet ASME boiler codes, can be supplied as completely assembled packaged or field erected boilers, and are manufactured with all highest quality US-made steel which will extend the maintenance free operating life of the boiler.
For additional details and information contact Eduard Zimmermann at Drypoll of NY using e-mail: or by phone at (917) 603-4792.