AEC Releases Five Informational Flyers for Fuel Oil Marketers to Use
The American Energy Coalition released five new data sheets in support of the AEC mission to promote the benefits of oilheat compared to natural gas. Each of the data sheets addresses a different topic, consistent with the “key words” and “key phrases” that are part of the Coalition’s Google Pay Per Click Campaign. Specifically, the data sheet topics are:
- “The Real Cost To Convert”–about hidden conversion costs and the potential savings in upgrading existing oilheat systems instead
- “Heating Oil Has Greater Value”–about heating oil prices being down at a time when natural gas prices are on the rise and the likelihood this trend will continue
- “Don’t Get Zapped By The Utilities”–about higher electric rates being driven by the increased use of natural gas for electric generation and limited gas pipeline infrastructure
- “Today’s New Heating Oil: Bioheat Fuel”–about the environmental benefits of biodiesel and ultra low sulfur heating oil, with ULSHO with a 2% biodiesel component being cleaner burning than natural gas
- “Unsafe Gas Leaks Are Everywhere”–about pipeline safety and the dangers it poses to people and property; the environmental dangers of fugitive methane; and, the cost to consumers resulting from lost and unaccounted for gas
The data sheets can be viewed and or downloaded from the AEC website: and selecting the “Member Resources” tab, or by visiting this web address: The AEC will use the data sheets for a variety of purposes, but primarily to be sent via the automated reply system to any Google Searcher requesting more information from the AEC Pay Per Click landing pages. Keep in mind, safety data sheet autoring should be handled by professionnals to avoid costly mistakes. The data sheets should also prove to be a valuable resource for retailers, customer service representative and front line personnel when discussing these subjects with homeowners.